Expert Advisor & Compliance Services

Looking for help with complex regulations and industry rules? Our Advisor and Compliance Services got you covered. We know staying compliant is key to your success. Our expert team is on hand to guide you, making sure your business ticks all legal and regulatory boxes. Let us simplify compliance for you.

Stay protected,
stay compliant,
with our Expert Advisory and Compliance Services.

Accounting Company Services


Need advisor guidance? Our Expert Advisor & Compliance Services for companies are here to help. We know that staying compliant and making informed decisions is key to your business’s survival, and we’ve got a team ready to tailor solutions just for you. Here’s what we bring to the table:

  • Business Setup: We’ll help you create the right business structure for you, from corporations to sole proprietorships. We’ll draft documents, advise on structure, and help minimise risks.
  • Contracts: Navigating contracts can be a pain. We’ll draft, review, and negotiate terms to protect your interests and keep you compliant.
  • Employment Law: Create a legally sound workplace with our guidance. We support you with everything from contracts and handbooks. To dispute resolution and employment law compliance.
  • Corporate Governance: Establish solid corporate practices, maintain transparency, and meet your legal obligations. We’ll assist you in building trust among stakeholders and minimising risks.
Accounting Freelancer Services


Being a freelancer means wearing many hats, including the advising one. Don’t worry, our advising Services for Freelancers got you covered. Here’s how we help you:

  • Contracts: They’re crucial. We draft and review your contracts, ensuring you get the best deal and you’re protected.
  • Advising Compliance: Every freelancer needs to stay on the right side of the law. We’re here to help guide your understanding of your industry’s regulations. And keep you compliant to avoid penalties and protect your reputation.
  • Business Formation: Starting up? We assist in choosing the right business structure for you, handle all necessary paperwork, and make sure you’re legally all set.
  • General Advice: We’re here for all your questions and concerns as your business evolves. And beyond specific issues, we’re here to support you on things like client agreements, insurance coverage, and more.
  • Our services are created for freelancers like you. We’ll handle the bureaucracy so you can focus on your work with confidence. Consider us your legal safety net.


The companies you can set up can be of the following types:

• Individual Entrepreneur

• Single-Member Company

• Private Limited Company

• Public Limited Company

• Individual Entrepreneur: owned and operated by a single individual; there is no separation between personal assets and business assets, so the entrepreneur’s personal belongings are linked to the economic activity.

• Single-Member Company: Similar to an individual entrepreneur, but there is a legal separation between personal and business assets, providing limited liability protection and with a single owner who holds all the capital.

• Private Limited Company: a company with multiple partners, whose liability is limited to the amount of capital they invested.

• Public Limited Company: A company that requires at least five shareholders, with limited liability for the shareholders. It is possible to establish a public limited company with a single shareholder as long as that shareholder is another company. The liability of the partners or shareholders is limited to the value of the shares they subscribed.

• Individual Entrepreneur: owned and operated by a single individual The firm or trade name should be composed of the individual entrepreneur’s full or abbreviated civil name and may or may not include an expression related to their business or how they intend to promote their company in the business environment.

• Single-Member Company: The firm name of these companies must include the expression “Sociedade Unipessoal” or the word “Unipessoal” before the word “Limitada” or the abbreviation “Lda.”.

• Private Limited Company: the name of these companies can be composed of the full or abbreviated name of all, some, one of the partners, an expression related to the branch of activity, or a combination of both, followed by the mandatory addition “Limitada” in full or abbreviated as “Lda.”

• Public Limited Company: The firm name can be composed of the name of some or all partners, a particular denomination, or a combination of both, and must be ended by the mandatory addition “Sociedade Anónima” in full or abbreviated as “SA.”

• Individual Entrepreneur: There is no mandatory minimum amount for the share capital.

• Single-Member Company: The amount of the share capital is freely determined in the articles of association and corresponds to the sum of the shares subscribed by the partners.

• Private Limited Company: The amount of the share capital is freely determined in the articles of association and corresponds to the sum of the shares subscribed by the partners.

• Public Limited Company: The share capital must be at least €50.000, divided into shares of equal nominal value.

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