DISCLAIMER: At Trustbiz, we are not an accountant, tax/investment advisor, or law firm. Instead, Trustbiz acts as an intermediary, streamlining the process of collaborating with financial and legal experts.
Chapter I – General Conditions of the Site
1. Introduction
This document sets out the information relating to the online account and contracts concluded at a distance on the www.trustbiz.pt website (hereinafter the Trustbiz website), and all its subdomains, referred to in Decree-Law No. 24/2014 of February 14 in its current wording, as well as the privacy policy, has been drawn up in accordance with the provisions of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (GDPR).
The Trustbiz Site is the property of Meridian Riders Lda, Legal person No. 517268957, hereinafter abbreviated as Meridian, headquartered at Av. 5 de Outubro, 72 – 6C, 1050-059, Lisboa.
Meridian provides a Customer Support service, through which the Customer may, at any time, contact to ask for clarification, make suggestions or submit complaints, through the e-mail address [email protected] or through the Customer Support line /chat within the Site, available every day of the week in a tickets basis.
The purchase of any product on the Trustbiz Site and its subdomains and the creation of an account imply acceptance of the present information and Terms and Conditions of the Online Account. Transactions will be associated with the Providers Client Program.
2. Terms of Use of the Website Trustbiz
Service access
By using the application, the USER declares that he is over eighteen (18) years of age and that, in any case, he is fully capable, in accordance with his personal law, of accessing this service and of accepting with full effect these conditions.
The USER can execute most of the functionalities offered by the application, however, in some cases, it will be necessary for the user to register by validating his email account in order to be able to make full use of the functionalities that the mobile application allows.
The Operator may terminate or cancel the USER’s account if the USER does not fulfill the obligations stipulated in these conditions, without prior notice.
Service information
How can I use the Service of this application?
To use this service, a first registration form must be completed. To validate your account, a confirmation link will be sent to the email address you provided when registering.
The User must use the Website Trustbiz in compliance with the provisions of applicable law.
The Trustbiz Site may have links to other websites, which may contain useful information/tools for its users. These Trustbiz Online Account Terms and Conditions will not apply to third party websites. As such, if the User visits another website, redirected from the Trustbiz Site, he must be aware of and accept the terms and conditions and the privacy policy of the same.
Location data or geo-location
When you start using the site, the location information on your device will be used to provide you with relevant content based on Point of Interest, as well as a history of your most frequent visits.
As long as you consent and your device’s operating system allows it, we will sometimes sample your native location by reading the WiFi network. We will never activate GPS, with the exception that the level of accuracy of your location will be stipulated on your mobile phone.
How can I change geolocation settings?
In your phone’s settings.
The first time you log in to our website, we will ask for your consent to enable geolocation on your mobile device.
If you consent to the geolocation of your mobile device, these functions will be activated immediately and will work as described above.
You can deactivate your mobile device’s geolocation at any time via your mobile phone’s settings.
Why is geolocation information collected?
The essential objective of processing the positioning information is to have specific information about the most visited areas, interests, crossing this information with the geographical area of origin of the USER.
In summary, we do this to improve your experience in consulting and using the application:
• Analyzing the way you use the Service in order to improve it and be able to offer you a better way of communicating with us and, if we have previously obtained your consent, combine your personal data, captured from your use of our different channels, such such as the website, to offer you information tailored to your needs.
• Your personal data will only be used to send promotional material if you have previously approved it in each of the channels, nor how to understand your preferences and needs when using the application. Therefore, after registering on any of the channels where personal data is collected, you will be offered the opportunity to consent to the use of your personal data for the purpose of sending promotional materials;
• Measuring, testing and monitoring the ratings and effectiveness of our service and ensuring that everything is correct and that we can protect you against any attempted theft, loss, damage or unauthorized use and thus comply with any legal obligations you may have.
• The processing of personal data is reserved for the indicated purposes.
3. Modification of the Website Trustbiz and these Online Account Terms and Conditions Trustbiz.
Trustbiz reserves the right to modify at any time, without prior notice, the presentation and content of the Site Trustbiz, its services and these Terms and Conditions of the Online Account, with due regard for the rights acquired in relation to contracts already entered into and running. These modifications will serve to improve the Website Trustbiz and, at the same time, the services offered to the User who, if he does not agree with the changes introduced, may cease using the Website Trustbiz.
4. Intellectual property
All content and information contained on the Trustbiz Site and its subdomains are the property of Meridian or have been licensed to it and therefore the use, reproduction, copying and dissemination by other means of logos, texts, images and videos, or intellectual property, contained in that case is subject to your prior authorization from Meridian in that regard.
The Customer must comply with the contractual and legal conditions applicable to the products sold on the Trustbiz Site, namely with regard to the use of intellectual rights, copyright and related rights, rights of personal use that regulate copies, reproduction, rentals, etc. Meridian Riders cannot be held responsible for the improper use that may be made of these Products.
5. Information on Products and Prices
Product Information
Meridian takes into account the information regarding the essential characteristics of the products through technical descriptions shared by its suppliers or by third parties, which illustrate the products marketed, in strict respect for the best standards in the market, transmitting them clearly to its customers on the page of each product and/or service it offers.
Pricing Information
Meridian clearly makes available on its website the total price of each good or service, including fees and taxes.
Meridian cannot be held liable in the event of a computer, manual, technical error, or of any other origin, that causes a substantial, unforeseen change in the retail price shown on the Trustbiz Site, so in cases where this is exorbitant or manifestly insignificant, the purchase order will be considered invalid and canceled and the Customer will be informed of this fact. The prices and products available on the Trustbiz Site are only valid for the services purchased through the Trustbiz Site, and may not coincide with those practiced in physical “stores”.
6. Account Creation on the Site Trustbiz
To access all the advantages of the Trustbiz online account, as well as to place an order for services, it is necessary to access the Trustbiz Site and create an account as a user on that website, by filling in the electronic form with your personal data, following the instructions indicated at each step. After registration, the user will be able to select and purchase his/her service(s) from the suppliers.
7. Means of payment
For the convenience of the Customer, makes available on the Trustbiz Site the following means of payment for products and/or services:
• Visa
• MasterCard
• American Express card
When purchasing with a Credit Card, the Trustbiz Site has a feature that allows the Customer to save the credit card data so that it is not necessary, on a next visit, to re-enter them. Within the scope of this functionality, Meridian uses the most recent technologies for the protection of confidential information, not having access to the Customer’s credit card data, in compliance with the applicable legislation. This data will be stored exclusively by the payment service provider and, if the Customer accepts it, it will generate an authorization for €1 (one euro) which is withdrawn within a maximum period of 48h (forty-eight hours). For more information about available payment methods, consult the help area.
8. Payment and Monthly Subscription:
The Customer agrees to make the monthly payment of the subscription fee as specified in point 7, which will be automatically withdrawn on the 20th of each month. This amount will be debited using the payment method provided by the Customer at the time of subscription. Failure to pay the subscription within the established timeframe may result in the suspension or cancellation of services provided by Trustbiz.
9. Fees and Taxes
The prices indicated on the Trustbiz Site and its subdomains are presented in euros. VAT and other taxes or fees, if applicable, are included in all prices.The order invoice will be made available, at the time of ordering, in digital format in the Customer’s personal area on the Website Trustbiz and will be available for consultation and download by the Customer for 10 (ten) years.
10. Errors
Under the terms of point 5.2 of Chapter I, any programming errors, defects in the operation of the computer system (machine) or deformation of the message (including writing errors) are excepted, under the terms and for the purposes of article 33. nº 2 al. a) and b) of Decree-Law 7/2004, of January 7th.
11. Right to Free Termination of the Contract
To exercise this right, the customer must complete and send electronically the free form attached to said Decree-Law No. 24/2014, of February 14, which is available at https://www.trustbiz.pt/contact.us, or through any other unequivocal declaration of termination, declare that you intend to terminate the contract, within 14 (fourteen days) after the award of the service(s).
12. Refund
After exercising the Right of Free Termination of the Contract, the refund of the amount paid by the Customer will be made through the same payment method that was used in the initial purchase, free of charge for the Customer, after validating compliance with the termination conditions described in the point 10.
Right of Free Termination applicable to the Provision of Services
Without prejudice to the provisions of the previous number, under the terms provided for in the applicable legislation, the Right of Free Termination within the scope of the provision of services is subject to the following restrictions:
• If the Customer expressly requests that the provision of services begin or be provided before the period of 14 days provided for in point 10, and he exercises the Right of Free Termination, he must pay an amount proportional to what was actually provided until communication of the resolution;
• The Customer cannot freely terminate the service provision contract when the services have been fully provided under the terms of the previous point; The Customer cannot freely terminate the contract for the provision of repair or maintenance services to be carried out at his home, at his request, except insofar as it exceeds that request.
13. Liability
Meridian is not responsible for damages arising from any computer virus, network or internet supply problems, information provided by suppliers or any other situations to which it is unrelated and that prevent access and correct functioning of the domain www.trustbiz.pt as well as the services provided therein.
Chapter II – Policy regarding personal data
1. Personal Data processed by Meridian
The person responsible for processing the Customer’s Personal Data on the Website Trustbiz is Meridian Company Director, best identified in Chapter I, who can be contacted via the email i[email protected] or the Customer Support chat within the Website Trustbiz, available online in a ticket basis, all days of the week.
The processing of the Customer’s personal data within the scope of the online account and aims to enable the Customer to access his purchase history, the identification of potential consumption preferences, including the definition of profiles, based on the history of distance purchases and consumption. Predicting consumption preferences and identifying profiles is aimed at developing customized marketing actions, personalized sales in face-to-face service, advance communication of campaigns that are likely to be of interest to the Customer, which can be attributed and communicated automatically, as well as such as optimizing the range of products available online.
Audits may also be carried out to safeguard Meridian’s interest in ensuring computer security, detecting fraud, or responding to notifications from official authorities. While browsing the Trustbiz Site, Meridian Riders may access and store information relating to browsing, under the terms of the cookies policy available here https://www.trustbiz.pt/privacy-policy/.
2. Recipients of personal data
Meridian only transmits the personal data of Customers to the Tax Authority and other entities that need to receive them due to legal obligations or to fulfill the contract, namely, auditing entities (external and internal) within the scope of the certification process;
• External consulting entities within the scope of the provision of consultancy services;
• Entities that ensure IT management in the processing of personal data;
• External subcontracted entities;
• Legal entities.
External subcontracted entities to whom personal data are provided are also contractually subject to confidentiality and compliance with legal obligations in terms of data protection.
3. Period of conservation of personal data
Meridian will delete personal data relating to transactions carried out by the Customer on the Trustbiz Site 10 (ten) years after the date of the last transaction.
The period referred to corresponds to the mandatory period for keeping accounting documents.If the Customer cancels his online account or withdraws consent, the data will be deleted by Meridian within one month after the customer expresses his intention to cancel it. In this case, Meridian will only keep transaction data for tax purposes, during the period provided for by law.
4. Customer Rights
The Customer has the following rights in the field of personal data protection: right of access, right of rectification, right of erasure, right to limit processing, right of portability, right of opposition and right not to be subject to automated decisions, the which may be exercised under the terms provided for in the applicable legislation and regulations.
As the holder of personal data, the Client may exercise the rights of access, rectification and limitation of treatment, by filling in the form at https://www.trustbiz.pt/contact-us and may also, submit a complaint to the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD). More information about Meridian’s privacy policy can be consulted at https://www.trustbiz.pt/privacy-policy/.
Chapter III – Applicable Law and Alternative Dispute Resolution
1. Applicable legislation
These Terms & Conditions and all contracts that may be entered into under them are governed by Portuguese law.
2. Alternative Dispute Resolution
In case of national and cross-border disputes, initiated by a consumer against a supplier of goods or service provider that concern contractual obligations resulting from the provision of services, entered into between the established supplier of goods and consumers residing in Portugal and in the European Union, the consumer may resort to a Consumer Dispute Resolution Entity. Currently, the following Consumer Dispute Resolution entities exist in Portugal:
• National Consumer Conflict Information and Arbitration Center (CNIACC);
• Coimbra District Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center (CACCDC);
• Lisbon Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center (CACCL);
• Arbitration Center of the Autonomous University of Lisbon (CAUAL);
• Madeira Autonomous Region Consumer Conflict Arbitration Center (CACC RAM);
• Porto Information and Arbitration Center (CICAP);
• Vale do Ave Information and Arbitration Center (TRIAVE);
• Center for Information and Arbitration of the Cávado Valley (CIAB);
• Algarve Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center (CIMAAL).
In the event of national and cross-border consumer disputes, within the scope of online (online), the consumer may resort to the European Consumer Center through the ODR Platform (“online dispute resolution”), with competence to resolve disputes relating to contractual obligations resulting from sales contracts or online services. Access the Electronic Platform for Alternative Dispute Resolution here in national or cross-border purchase and sale contracts or online services.
More information on the Directorate-General for Consumers website: www.consumidor.pt.