Additional Services

Complementing our standard offerings, TrustBiz proudly offers an array of tailored auxiliary services. They’re designed to cater to your specific needs, simplifying both your business and personal transitions.

Please note: An active subscription is required to purchase these items.

Bank Account Opening (Business)

Bank account registry

Bank Account Opening (Individuals)

Bank account registry

Business Advisory/Consulting

Professional services helping formulate strategies that can unlock the business's growth. 1st consultation is free, others cost 100 € per hour

Deed Corporate Changes

Statutory company commercial registry changes

Fiscal Representation

Intermediary service between tax authorities and foreign natural or legal persons

Inscription IRNPC

For non resident entities

NIF Request

Taxpayer identification Number request

NISS Request

Social Security Identification Number request

Rental Agreements (Business)

Rental agreements review and compliance service

Rental Agreements (Individuals)

Rental agreements review and compliance service


Non-Habitual Resident tax regime request

Standard bilingual employment contracts (PT/EN)

Contract process in different languages (portuguese and english)

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